How To Work Effectively From Home

by bhs-ahEditor

Know The Ground Rules

Does your employer require a fixed schedule, or is there some amount of flexibility? If you work for someone else, it’s essential that your employer spells out the ground rules and makes sure you have the proper equipment, such as a laptop, as well as network access, passwords, and instructions for remote login. Be sure to do trial runs and work out any problems that might obstruct your work. If you work for yourself, you may need many of the same tools.

Set Up A Functional Workspace

Not many of us have a designated home office, but it’s important to have a private, quiet space for you to work. If you can, separate your working space from your areas and use it just for work, not for other things.

Get The Internet Speed You Need

If you have children, their FaceTime and Xbox habits may slow your connection and download speeds. Moving close to your Wi-Fi router can help, or you can think of switching to Ethernet. You’ll likely need a dongle since laptops don’t have Ethernet ports these days and an Ethernet cable to connect your laptop to your router.

Use Phone Apps

If your job involves long distance and/or international calls, many apps and software such as Google Hangouts, WhatsApp, and Skype let you call over the Internet across the globe at a negligible cost. And if you and the person you’re speaking to are using the same service, the call will be free.

Minimize Distractions

If you have a barking dog or noisy neighbors, consider investing in noise-cancelling headphones. And if your children are home and you’re without, see if you and your spouse (or a neighbor in a similar situation) can take turns with care. This may mean you have to talk to your manager about working during the evening hours.

Plan Extra Social Interactions

Some people love the thought of working in solitude, but even the most introverted among us can start feeling a bit claustrophobic after a few days at home, alone, staring at the same project for long hours. It can get lonely. Be ready for that, and try to schedule some connect-with-the-outside-world time, like a breakfast date, a video call with a friend, or a hobby class.